
순천향대학교(soonchunhyang university)에 오신 것을 환영합니다. css는 cascade style sheet의 약자로 우선순위가 있다는 의미 상대방의 컴퓨터에 글꼴이 있어야지만 표시되는데 없을 경우에 다른 폰트를 표시하도록 하기 위하여 폰트패밀리를 사용한다. sans-serif란 삐침? 이 없는 글씨체 없는 걸로 쳐라


경계선이미지 안들어감. /마진쓰는법 알기 시계방향 숫자를 4개를 주는데 시계방향으로 준다/ 어떻게 하는지안들어감/박스모델의 속성 알아두기 순천향대학교는 1978년도에 개교한 학교입니다.p중에서 학교소개 라는class 서식만 설정하도록 captitalize는 앞에만 대문자

Clinical Features (2004) reported clinical features of 11 patients from 8 families with BRIC2 confirmed by genetic analysis. Inheritance followed an autosomal recessive pattern. Age at onset ranged from 2 months to 24 years. The most common features were hepatosplenomegaly and cholelithiasis. In general, liver biopsies showed cholestasis without fibrosis, although mild fibrosis was seen in some patients. Cholestasis sometimes was associated with swelling and degeneration of hepatocytes. Serum bile acids were increased during episodes. Patients in 3 families developed permanent cholestasis later in life. Precipitating factors included viral infections and pregnancy. Noe et al. (2005) reported a 16-year-old boy who presented with a history of intermittent episodes of pruritus and steatorrhea for several years. Cholestatic episodes were reportedly triggered by infections or intake of certain medications. Laboratory studies showed increased serum alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin with normal gamma-GGT (612346). Liver biopsy showed mild hepatocellular and canalicular cholestasis without portal fibrosis. Immunohistochemical studies showed expression of the BSEP protein in the canalicular membrane of hepatocytes.

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